The Parochial Church Council (the PCC)

All Church of England parishes have a Parochial Church Council (PCC) who help to administer the parish. All Saints, Frindsbury is registered as a charity (Regd Charity No 1127928) and so its trustees are the PCC members. The Parochial Church Coucil meets every other month and a Standing Committee  meets in the intervening months to transact any urgent business.

NameRoleHow appointedOther RolesStanding Committee Membership
Mrs Judith Armittex-officioReader
Mr John Bloomfieldelected (Upnor representative)elected by PCC (Upnor representative)
The Revd Nicholas CooperChairmanex-officioVicarex-officio (Incumbent)
Mr Paul Haywardelected
Mr Derek KingVice-Chairmanex-officioChurchwarden & Evangelistex-officio (Churchwarden)
Mr Nigel Jonesex-officioChurchwardenex-officio (Churchwarden)
Mrs Susan JonesHon PCC SecretaryNot a PCC member not trustee
Mrs Anne Levyelected
Mrs Anne MaillardetelectedEvangelist
Mr Robert Mayhewelected
Mrs Nanette McAleerelected
Mrs Alison MingsHon PCC Treasurerelectedex-officio (PCC Treasurer)
Mrs Carole Morradex-officioReader
Mrs Jill Payneex-officioChurchwardenex-officio (Churchwarden)
Mr Ken Readdeanery synod
Mr Peter Robbinselectedelected by PCC
Mr Andrew Whiteleyelected
Mrs Liz Williamselected (Upnor representative)
Mrs Jan Youngdeanery synod
Vacancydeanery synod

Working Groups

The PCC divides itself into the following teams to work on specific projects between the PCC meetings. The Chairs of the teams are highlighted in bold.

Buildings and Churchyards: Nigel Jones, Derek King, Jill Payne, Peter Robbins, John Bloomfield

Communications and Administration: Sue Jones, Nicholas Cooper,  Sue Vallente-Kerr, Andrew Whiteley

Finance and Fundraising: Alison Mings, Nicholas Cooper, Judith Armitt, Susan Nicol, Kim Hodgson, Nan McAleer

Mission and Outreach: Sue Vallente-Kerr, Sue Jones, Derek King, Anne Maillardet, Nicholas Cooper

Parish Hall Committee: Jill Payne, Daphne Creer, Tracey Dare

Pastoral: Jackie Baldwin, Pat Ellis, Jan Young, Pat Jupp, Carol Malcolm

Safeguarding Team:  Lesley Wright, Nigel Jones, Annie Cooper, Nicholas Cooper

Staff Team (responsible for worship, teaching and children’s ministry): Nicholas Cooper, Nigel Jones, Derek King, Sue Vallente-Kerr, Judith Armitt, Carole Morrad, Anne Maillardet, Sue Jones, Jackie Baldwin